Consulting Services
Total support for business improvement planning, process construction, and making your operations take hold
Payroll operations issues can be categorized into several factors, depending on the business process of the client company and the unique circumstances associated with the industry and corporate structure (Japanese or foreign capital).
EPCS consulting service first analyzes "where the problem lies" and sets the issue clearly. Then, based on the current situation of our client, we will discuss realistic approaches to the issues, predict the impact of introducing our systems and business improvement, and propose more effective solutions. When introducing a new payroll accounting system and abolishing the current system, we provide consulting services not only for payroll accounting, but also for the impact on labor insurance and social insurance. This is how we can support your decision making.

Consulting Services
Business process consulting
We propose several consulting approaches according to the issues in the client's operations.
Main tasks Examples: ・Identifying operations and visualizing operation processes ・Extracting issues and planning improvement measures for visualization work ・Proposing process BPO as needed
Special payroll consulting
Considering the special factors of the client company, we propose the optimum calculation rules, process construction, and ways to make operations take root for your company.
Calculation processes Examples: ・Economic benefits (support for living in Japan) ・COLA (Cost Of Living Allowance) for expat employees ・Wage simulation, personnel cost estimation
System revision consulting
When introducing a new system into the current salary system, we visualize various effects and support the introduction.
Study action Examples: ・Estimation of amount of salaries after system introduction ・Impact on labor insurance premiums and social insurance premiums ・Impact of introduction timing on various social insurance allowances